Trading Strategies, Psychology

Trading Strategies, Psychology

Avoid 3 dangers of using retrospective charts to make trading plan decisions.

Warning: Turn your sensitivity meter down a little. This is a no sugar-coating, tell-it-how-it-is article (but rest assured it comes from a nurturing place). All over the globe, trading gurus attempt to sell their wares (software, the ‘holy grail’ of trade set ups etc) using retrospective charting examples. Such powerful visual “evidence�...

April 4, 2019
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Your Trading Journal Blueprint – Free Download

  Those of you who have attended any of our LIVE Inner Circle education sessions, or participated in our courses, will know that a regular theme covered is the importance and benefits of measuring your trading. One of the key tools we often discuss is the use of a trading journal. For those of you less familiar with this as a concept, a ...

March 29, 2019
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Adding the RSI to your entry or exit trading plan?

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an oscillator type of indicator, designed to illustrate the momentum related to a price movement of a currency pair or CFD. In this brief article we aim to outline what this indictor may tell you about market sentiment, and along with other indicators assist in your decision-making. As with most oscillator typ...

March 24, 2019
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Is your trading plan specific enough to allow meaningful and decisive ACTION?

A written trading plan, usually comprising of several guiding action statements, serves the following two invaluable purposes: Facilitates consistency in trading action e.g. in the entry and exit of trades, allowing the trader AND Measures the strategy used specified within each statement to make an evidence-based judgement on how well thes...

March 21, 2019
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Are You Appropriately ‘Aroused’ for Peak Trading Performance?

There is NO such thing as emotionless trading AND in many respects, it may be considered that it is a good thing too. After all, correctly targeted emotions will allow you to: Have an exciting, compelling trading purpose that drives you to do the hard yards with your learning (we know some people fail to complete a course or put learning into ac...

March 8, 2019
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3 significant benefits of having an FX trading buddy

By Mike Smith Let’s face it, trading can be a lonely occupation sometimes. Along with the hope of picking up a “hot tip”, this seems to be a key reason why trading forums are so popular. Unfortunately many people leave such forums almost as quick as they join them, simply because many users are not particularly supportive and often seem...

March 4, 2019
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Time For a Change? Considering Longer or Shorter Timeframe FX and CFD Trading

  One of the most common questions we are asked on some of the webinar sessions we run is “What timeframe might be best for me to trade?”. This slightly longer article than we would usually write,  seemed merited to provide some detailed “food for thought” as it appears to be an important issue for many. This is not something w...

February 27, 2019
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Yield Curves: What Are They And How Can We Use Them?

Undoubtedly anybody who dabbles or takes an interest in the financial markets will have come across the term yield curves. Perhaps stumbled on during research or overhearing Bloomberg TV hammer home various aspects of yield curve movements. Either way, yield curves are embedded in the fabric of financial analysis and are considered a fundamental ...

October 19, 2018
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The Art Of War & Trading: Part 4

军势篇  Chapter: The Flow Of Directing Troops (Trades) Original Text: 孙子曰:凡治众如治寡,分数是也; Translation: The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men; it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers. Often beginner traders with relatively small accounts tend to treat t...

September 19, 2018
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Understanding Inflationary Pressures

Broadly speaking, inflation is a general increase in prices which result in a fall in the purchasing value of money. In this article, we are going to look at measures of inflation and other indicators that can help traders to detect early signs of inflation. Traders try to follow the inflationary pressures to anticipate the next interest rate m...

September 14, 2018
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The Art Of War & Trading: Part 3

军形篇 - The Chapter of Tactical Dispositions Original Text: 善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜。 Translation: Good commanders first evaluate the possibility of being defeated and then wait for an opportunity to defeat the enemy. Don’t you think this sounds very similar to using a trading stop-loss? The concept of setting up a...

September 6, 2018
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Art of War and Trading: Part 2

兵者,诡道也。 All warfare is based on deception. Investment is, in essence, a game of intelligence and psychology, and the importance of calculation is behind the first two elements. At first, many beginner traders misunderstand what it means to be a profitable trader. Most assume that as long as they are good at mathematics or a similar ...

September 3, 2018
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Six Attributes of a Good Trading Plan

  As a trader, you’ve probably found that having the right trading plan plays a significant role in your trading success. A basic trading plan should tell you what, when and how much to trade. It should also have specific instructions on when to close out your trades. As traders, we all need a well thought out trading plan to navigate our w...

August 28, 2018
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The Art Of War And Trading: Part 1

What Is The Art Of War? The Art of War is an ancient Chinese book on military tactics and strategy who written by Sun Tzu around 500 BC. These writings are considered by many to be the most significant literature on military tactics and wisdom that can be applied to everyday life ever conceived. In this multi-article series, we will be interpreting...

August 28, 2018
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‘First Steps in Forex’ – Free Education Course

Why the ‘First Steps in Forex’ course with Golden Option 300 could be just what you are looking for When someone like you has the idea that trading Forex could be a good fit with your investment objectives, it is logical that getting a solid foundation in place is one of the factors that can contribute in giving you the confidence and knowledge to tu...

July 24, 2018
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